Stitching FAQs
Q: How do I perform an image stitch?
To stitch an image in AmbirScan, complete the following steps:
1. Arrange your images to be scanned with at least a 20% overlap on a flat surface.
2. Using the wand scanner, scan your desired images.
3. Open AmbirScan, select the Wand tab in the left sided menu. The images scanned are stored here.
4. Drag a box or hold shift while selecting the images you scanned.
5. Select Stitch. You will now see the Stitching window pop-up.
6. Choose whether you captured your images horizontally or vertically.
7. Arrange your images in the correct order. To reorder your images, simply drag and drop them in the Stitching interface.
8. Adjust your settings incrementally (10% or less) until your stitch quality improves.
9. Click the Stitch button.
Note: Please be patient. The application may take several minutes to stitch the image.
10. Once progress bar reads 100%, review the image.
11. If the image needs to be rotated, use the green Rotate buttons near the bottom right of the image window.
12. If you wish to crop the image, click the orange Crop button near the bottom right of the image window, select the area you’d like save, and then click Done.
13. Once the image is satisfactory, click the Done button.
Q: How do I determine if I am scanning horizontally or vertically?
If you are scanning from the left side of a document to the right side of a document, then you are scanning horizontally. Under Stitching Tools in the top left of the Stitching interface, select Scanned Horizontally.
If you are scanning from the top of a document to the bottom of a document, then you are scanning vertically. Under Stitching Tools in the top left of the Stitching interface, select Scanned Vertically.
Q: How do I adjust the Settings in the Stitching interface?
Navigate to the Settings in the Stitching interface. Under Stitch Settings, you can adjust the stitch quality by increasing the edge blend and sensitivity. Make sure to test the default settings first. You can reset to the default settings by hitting the Defaults button to the right of the settings bars.
The Increase Edge Blend setting refers to the Gaussian smoothing algorithm that is applied to the stitch. It is most useful when scanning highly detailed images. Make small adjustments (10% or less) by moving the slider on the settings bar from the default setting towards right. Continue testing small adjustments until you have found the optimal setting.
The Increase Edge Sensitivity setting refers to the Harris Corner Detection algorithm that is applied to the stitch. It is most useful when scanning images that include a lot of lines or text. Make small adjustments (10% or less) by moving the slider on the settings bar from the default setting towards right. Continue testing small adjustments until you have found the optimal setting.
Q: My stitched image is slightly rotated. How do I fix this?
Navigate to Settings in AmbirScan. On the profile settings, uncheck Deskew and hit Save.
Q: The darker sections of my stitched image are being cut out. How do I fix this?
Navigate to Settings in AmbirScan. On the profile settings, uncheck Auto Crop and hit Save.
Q: Why is the stitching timing out/crashing?
The Max Image Size is too high. Adjust the number down in the Max Image Size window. The default setting is 2.