Q: What is a tag? Do I need to use it?

Tags are labels you add to files after the scans are completed to help you organize. Tagging is turned on by default in AmbirScan. It is not a required field and may be bypassed by clicking Cancel if you do not want to use the tagging feature.

Q: How do I search for tagged files?

After you have a tagged a file, you can search for the tag within AmbirScan for quick retrieval. For example, if you scan a large amount invoices, use ‘Invoice’ as a tag. When you enter ‘Invoice’ in the Search field in AmbirScan, any file tagged with ‘Invoice’ that is located in your indexed folder will populate.

Q: Can I search for a file name?

At this time, the Search function only searches for words located within a document. It does not search for words in the file name.