Q: My images are blurry/fuzzy/cut off. How do I fix this?

If you experience a decline in image quality, we recommend you calibrate your scanner. Please review the calibration steps listed below to complete.

Q: How do I calibrate my scanner using AmbirScan for athena software?

To calibrate in AmbirScan for athenahealth software, complete the following steps:

  1. Right click on the AmbirScan for athenahelath icon in your system tray and select Show
  2. Turn off Auto Scan
  3. In the top left corner, click the circle with the AmbirScan logo. Click Settings
  4. At the bottom of the left column, click Calibrate
  5. Follow the prompts

Note: For all -ix scanners, a new window will pop-up. Click Settings, then Calibration to begin.

Q: I lost my calibration sheet. What can I do?

For optimal performance, calibration sheets are strongly recommended and can be purchased here.

If you need to calibrate in the interim, you may use a plain white sheet of 8×11 ½ sheet of paper. For card scanners, fold the sheet lengthwise to fit the scanner. No not cut the paper.

Please note this calibration may not produce optimal image quality.