I need more help stitching

If you’re having trouble stitching together your images with AmbirScan, follow the troubleshooting suggestions in this guide.

Step 1 – Determine if you are scanning horizontally or vertically.

If you are scanning from the left side of a document to the right side of a document, then you are scanning horizontally. Under Stitching Tools in the top left of the Stitching interface, select Scanned Horizontally.

If you are scanning from the top of a document to the bottom of a document, then you are scanning vertically. Under Stitching Tools in the top left of the Stitching interface, select Scanned Vertically.

Step 2 – Check if your images are order correctly.

If you’re receiving the Stitch Failed error message, it possible that your images are not ordered correctly.

If you scanned horizontally, your images should be ordered from top to bottom.

If you scanned vertically, your images should be ordered from left to right.

To reorder your images, simply drag and drop them in the Stitching interface.

Step 3 – Confirm that your scanned images overlap by at least 20%.

Verify that 20% of each image overlaps with 20% of the image it is stitching with. See visual guide below.

If images do not overlap by at least 20%, rescan your images and try again.

Step 4 – Adjust your settings incrementally (10% or less) until your stitch quality improves.

Navigate to the Settings in the Stitching interface. Under Stitch Settings, you can adjust the stitch quality by increasing the edge blend and sensitivity. Make sure to test the default settings first. You can reset to the default settings by hitting the Defaults button to the right of the settings bars.

The Increase Edge Blend setting refers to the Gaussian smoothing algorithm that is applied to the stitch. It is most useful when scanning highly detailed images. Make small adjustments (10% or less) by moving the slider on the settings bar from the default setting towards right. Continue testing small adjustments until you have found the optimal setting.

The Increase Edge Sensitivity setting refers to the Harris Corner Detection algorithm that is applied to the stitch. It is most useful when scanning images that include a lot of lines or text. Make small adjustments (10% or less) by moving the slider on the settings bar from the default setting towards right. Continue testing small adjustments until you have found the optimal setting.

If you’re still having trouble stitching your images, please contact our support team for further assistance. When you contact us for help, we might ask you to review the outcomes from the steps above to help us identify the cause of the problem, so please be sure to complete each step before reaching out.

We can be reached Monday -Friday (except holidays) from 8:00am – 5:00pm CT at 630-530-5400 option 3