Top 10 Healthcare Provider Accounts to Follow on Instagram in 2021

Whether you’re looking to stay up to date with the latest in healthcare or you’re hoping to learn a few new things from your daily social media scroll, there are countless healthcare-related Instagram accounts to follow. Check out our top 10 favorite healthcare provider accounts that are just as entertaining as they are informative.


  1. @doctor.mike

Dr. Mike Varshavski is a Board-Certified FM Physician in NYC, but he is best known for his popular YouTube channel. With over 6.6 million subscribers and 4 million Instagram followers, Dr. Mike is certainly a fan favorite. He shares health tips, day in the life routine videos as well as fact checking the accuracy of healthcare as it is portrayed in television shows.


  1. @collegenutritionist

Rachel Paul, PhD, RD, is a nutritionist who gained her large following by sharing quick recipes, meal prep plans, and tips for healthy weight loss. She is active in replying to fans and will often help by suggesting meals that fit their certain dietary goals. If you are on a budget and looking for quick lunch inspiration that will keep you full and nourished, Rachel’s page is a great place to start.


  1. @northwesternmedicine

The Northwestern Medicine page gives insight into the daily lives of the people that make the hospital so great. They regularly share inspiring stories including COVID-19 video diaries as told by the front-line workers, a slideshow of the first babies born in the new year, and even photo re-shares from patients.


  1. @drbilldorfman

Dr. Bill Dorfman is a celebrity dentist with over 1 million followers. He gained popularity from his appearances on ABC Extreme Makeover and CBS The Doctors and is also a New York Times best-selling author. From veneers and crowns to shading and reshaping, Dr. Bill covers everything you could ever need to know about cosmetic dentistry.


  1. @cdcgov

While not technically a provider, the CDC is still a great account to follow to stay in the know with the latest information and best practices as they continue to update. As a global authority and official source for all major healthcare related news, the CDC provides important content regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and how to protect yourself and others.


  1. @nurseclara

Clara Jones, BSN, RN, has curated her feed to share a glimpse into her life as a labor and delivery nurse. While focusing mostly on lifestyle and self-care, she also gives tips to aspiring nurses and shares her knowledge on everything from birth control to the epidural procedure.


  1. @advocatekids

Advocate Children’s Hospital belongs to a network of providers of pediatric services that is one of the largest in Illinois and among the top 10 in the country. Check out their profile to start your day with a heartwarming story. They often partner with Chicago sports teams and recently showed a happy patient playing with one of the 200 Build-A-Bears donated by the Chicago Bears.


  1. @drmichellehenry

Michelle Henry, MD FAAD, is a Mount Sinai and Harvard trained Dermatologic and Mohs surgeon. As a thought leader in dermatology, she regularly shares information on procedures she’s performed, her speaking engagements and article features in medical journals. With a special interest in skin cancer prevention and overall skin health, Dr. Henry is a knowledgeable and personable source for all things skincare related.


  1. @themedicalfuturist

The Medical Futurist is an account run by Dr. Bertalan Mesko that provides the latest information on new digital health technology in the surgical field. He often links to his articles that predict trend forecasts for the future of healthcare, covering topics such as AI, wearables, and data privacy. Whether you’re working in the healthcare field looking to stay up to date, or you just have an interest in technology, this account has informative and thought-provoking posts.


  1. @nedratawwab

2020 was a tough year. Now more than ever, it is critical to pay attention to your mental health and practice self-care. Therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab is here to fill your feed with aesthetically pleasing guides for a healthy relationship with yourself and with others. Her content includes resources, mantras, poems and checklists to aid in self-reflection and healing.


If you’re looking to add more healthcare providers to your follower list, check out our 2018 article for additional recommendations. With over 20 years of industry experience, Ambir continuously adapts our products to fit the changing healthcare landscape. Visit our healthcare solutions page to learn more about the benefits of adjusting your hardware to fit the evolving needs of your practice.

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