Top 10 Healthcare Provider Accounts To Follow On Instagram

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, advice, clinical best practices or just a daily laugh about life in healthcare trenches, these nurses, doctors and healthcare providers are just a click away. Not only are they experts in their respective fields, they are Instagram experts as well, with feeds you really should be following. Check out our picks for the top 10 healthcare providers to follow on Instagram:

1. @u.s.surgeongeneral

As the United States Surgeon General, Vice-Admiral Jerome Adams is arguably the most influential doctor in America. The official IG account to each holder of the auspicious office. Adams uses it to share important healthcare advice and warnings, promote fitness and healthy living to Americans, and shine a spotlight on those leading the way in the field.

2. @thekatieduke

New York-based Katie Duke is on a mission to become the public face of nurses in America. There are many celebrity doctors in the media – Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Dr. Sanjay Gupta – but no celebrity nurses, until now. Duke’s IG feed gives an honest look at the struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle and work -life balance while working in the healthcare field, but also doles out ample doses of inspiration and positivity.

3. @ZDoggMD

Physician? Rapper? Comedian? Internet star? Dr. Zumin Damania (aka ZDogg, MD) is all of that and more. His Instagram feed is full of the funniest healthcare memes on the internet, bringing humor and approachability to a very serious subject. For a more personal and in-depth look at Damania’s often strong views on healthcare issues of the day, check out

4. @shanny_do

Gastroenterology fellow Shanny Tosounian aims to make the world a better place through social media. “I can make a difference for those needing to feel empowered in changing their own health, and for any person in the medical field who feels the almost unavoidable sensation of burnout. Additionally, I aim to connect to anyone interested in living well by means of preventive medicine: eating well, exercising, sleep hygiene, spirituality, and in general, being a good soul,” she says in her profile. With an Instagram chock full of exercise and nutrition advice, along with drool-worthy food photos, and an unvarnished look at the life of a busy medical student, it seems she’s well on her way to that goal.

5. @myronlrolle

As a former NFL football player turned Rhodes Scholar, and now a neurosurgery resident at Harvard, to say Myron Rolle’s resume is impressive is an understatement. More than 55,000 people follow his Instagram account for its blend of personal and professional snapshots of his inspiring life – and yes, maybe for the occasional football photos too.

6. @doctorapa

Dentistry doesn’t have to be boring – at least not when jet-setting aesthetic dentist Dr. Michael Apa is involved. His Instagram is a slick blend of lifestyle photos featuring trips back and forth from NYC to Dubai and television appearances, along with humorous memes and before and after images of his clients’ remarkable smile transformations.

7. @kaiserfamilyfoundation

Looking for original, factual, useful, easily-understood, and often eye-opening health info? Look no further than the Instagram account of the Kaiser Family Foundation. The Foundation conducts and publishes in depth research on a variety of timely healthcare topics including HIV/AIDS, Medicare, immigration, insurance, global issues and more. Their IG feed breaks down key facts and stats, providing vital information at a glance.

8. @mamadocmed

Perhaps nobody searches for medical advice more than parents of young children. Seattle-based pediatrician Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson has created a valuable source of information and advice for them with her popular Instagram feed. She’s a passionate champion of digital health, innovation, and evidence-based science, while adding a very human touch to a clinical and complex field.

9. @stjude

If heartwarming healthcare stories are what you’re after, we prescribe a daily dose of the St. Jude Children’s Hospital Instagram account. Not only is St. Jude one of America’s leading institutions in pediatric health research and treatment, the hospital turns no child away based on race, religion, or a family’s inability to pay. Not surprisingly, their IG feed promotes the groudbreaking research conducted by its doctors and inspirational stories of the thousands of children and their families who walk through the hospital’s doors in search of hope.

10. @drpimplepopper

With close to three million followers, California dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee has the distinction of hosting one of the most popular – and one of the grossest – accounts on Instagram. Better known as “Dr. Pimple Popper,” Lee rose to internet celebrity status thanks to her seemingly endless supply of pimple-popping, pus and goo-filled videos of actual procedures done on her patients. America’s appetite for abscesses is so great that Dr. Pimple Popper is now a TV show on the TLC network.

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