If You Resolved to Be More Productive in 2019, These 5 Tools Will Help You Succeed

Did you resolve to be more productive this year? New year’s resolutions can be a great motivator at the start of the year but let’s face it; few people manage to successfully follow them through. Your company and your customers count on you to operate at peak productivity all year round. Luckily, there are a number of great apps and programs designed to help you do just that.

1. Swiftkey

Thanks to mobile technology you can stay connected with the office anywhere. But how frustrating is it to hunt and peck on a traditional smartphone keyboard? And aren’t you tired of constantly fixing typos and apologizing for embarrassing autocorrects? Maybe you need Swiftkey. Billed as a “smart and customizable” keyboard, the Android and IOS app from Microsoft promises frustration-free typing with improved autocorrect and predictive text.

2. Unroll.me

Wasted time is wasted money and your email may be one of the biggest time wasters in your day. How much time do you spend scrolling through spam, press releases and all those e-newsletters you don’t even remember signing up for? Unroll.me is here to rescue you from your inbox. First, allow the program to crawl your emails and in just a few minutes, it will provide you a list of all your subscriptions. From there you can easily scroll through and unsubscribe to any you no longer wish to receive. But that’s not all! Unroll.me can combine all your remaining subscriptions and send them to you once daily in an easy-to-read digest format, minimizing your digital clutter and adding valuable time back to your day.

3. Any.do

Every busy business owner knows that the secret to success lies in creating (and following) a detailed to-do list. Now you can build a better list and boost your daily productivity thanks to Any.do. The easy-to-use app allows you to keep track of all events, tasks, lists and reminders in one place, and syncs across Android, iOS, web and desktop so you never miss a reminder again. Set reminders based on time or location, share to-do lists, and assign tasks to others. The Assistant feature even offers to take care of tasks for you using AI and a connected network of “smart robots and diligent robots.”

4. nSign

Ambir Technologies’ nSign transforms all your existing paper forms into digital documents than be completed electronically with no clutter, no wasted time printing and no need for filing. nSign turns your simple tablet into a digital signature pad, allowing your clients to complete and sign digital contracts, work orders and other important documents, which can then be saved to the cloud, sent by email or stored on your server with just the touch of a button.

5. Canva

You know how important it is to create great-looking digital content, attention-grabbing emails and marketing materials that really personify your brand. But in a small business environment, having a professional graphic designer on call isn’t always an option. Enter Canva. With thousands of templates and options to choose from, anyone can create professional-looking graphics, ads and documents in minutes, just by dragging and dropping.

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