How to Make Patient Registration Paperless with Electronic Forms

electronic consent forms

An average patient visit will generate 13 pieces of paper (source: Institute of Medicine).

As well, of the organizations that have Electronic Health Records or are implementing them, nearly 80% still use paper records in their processing workflows (Source: InformationWeek).

In other words, there’s still a lot of paper waste in the healthcare industry.

And not only paper waste, but time spent filing, scanning, entering data into a computer, shredding – not to mention the security and privacy risks of misplaced paper forms.

But electronic patient registration and electronic consent forms are changing the way healthcare providers collect and store patient information.

Today, paperless systems are in place with the large hospital groups, medical clinics and lifestyle centers, each acknowledging the benefits expediting documented information in several health care aspects related to the patients’ quality of care and physician’s satisfaction with going paperless.

As health information technology becomes a central part of health care management and its policy’s, electronic patient registration and electronic consent forms are serving hospitals, physician groups and care giving organizations.

The purpose of the paperless system is to manage patient records, maintain demographic data and laboratory test information, prescriptions details on warnings, and interactions within a shared document management system.

The biggest concern has been the retention of privacy, especially with multiple levels of security when using tablets and mobile devices. As these devices become more common with the use of technology advancements, patients have adapted to a paperless world.

Technology has also developed the ability to integrate systems, converting any type of healthcare form capable of being sent to a printer to a paperless configuration without loss of data or information contained on the form.

Our nForm solution is designed specifically for this function eliminating hard paper filing, editing and the loss of information or documents as a result of human intervention.

With nForm, the electronic patient registration and electronic consent forms are completed by the patients using a tablet and electronic pen rather than the physical document form.

The electronic form is uploaded directly into the electronic medical record (EMR) or customer relationship management system (CRM). Once the uploading is complete the system automatically secures the information with the signature and clears all data from the device for a seamless integration.

As the patient updates the records on each visit the electronic forms are uploaded for review of previous and current information, request prescription, scheduled appointments, and referrals. Physicians and staff can share information within minutes, streamlining the office processes so workers can concentrate on patient and physician’s necessities.

As well, nForm ensures the accurate data transfer to existing medical and patient records which improves communication between multiple providers. Paperless features reduce errors for medical orders delivered directly from the system, enhancing aspects of long term and preventive care, especially for patient records noting allergic reactions or drug interactions.

The physician’s office forms are uploaded by using either the scanning application or a PDF format for entry. The physician’s and office forms become available immediately, ensuring updates, revisions or additional electronic forms are captured and filed for use as needed.

Electronic patient registration and electronic consent forms help streamline workflows and reduce paper waste for healthcare providers, while also enabling a more private and secure patient experience.

To request more information about nForm click here

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