Greenway PrimeLeader: Day One

Today marked the kickoff of the annual Greenway PrimeLeader Conference in sunny Orlando. Eager to check it out, we made our way to the Knowledge Center (coffee in hand) to put the finishing touches on our booth.

I must mention that on our way down, we received about a dozen “good mornings” and “how ya’ll doings” from beaming Greenway employees. Hailing from the windy city, I’m relatively unaccustomed to (politely random) greetings or any random acts of kindness, really. (No offense to Chicago. I love my hometown.) Needless to say, the kind words from Greenway emps were more than welcome at 7:30 in the morning. And much more pleasant than Chicago-style highway traffic.


Niceties aside, the Greenway and GES employees were both incredibly helpful and passionate. It was obvious they not only wanted the show to go off without a hitch, but also cared about their product and company.

As the day transpired and attendees meandered into the Knowledge Center, we quickly discovered that PrimeSuite users are looking for secure e-signature solutions. As they’re drifting away from paper & ink signatures, they want to reduce cost and increase efficiency while still remaining compliant. Fortunately for them (and us), we happened to be featuring our brand new ImageSign Pro signature pads. And although the units are still in production, they garnered plenty of attention from the crowd.

Tonight’s Welcome Reception should provide plenty of networking opportunities, then we’ll be back at it again, bright and early (and cheerfully!) at 7 a.m.

See you then!

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