EzeScan & Alfresco: Quicker Upload, Faster Access to Your Data


Alfresco is a relatively young and very free enterprise content management (ECM) software. Complete with a refreshingly simple, informative website, Alfresco offers businesses document management, web content management, workflow solutions, and various other tools.

Businesses have a ton of content (documents, customer information, invoices, standard forms, tax records, building deeds, leases, expense reports – you get the picture). They know where they want it – in their ECM system, in this case, Alfresco.

But what’s the easiest way of getting it there?

Enter EzeScan, which offers extensions for integrating content directly into Alfresco. If you can scan it, EzeScan can automatically index it in Alfresco.

EzeScan can:

  • Directly import TIF and PDF documents
  • Create redacted versions for FOIA requests
  • Add multiple Document Aspects
  • Populate Aspect Properties

With EzeScan, capture and upload of both scanned documents and index data can be integrated seamlessly into Alfresco at speeds previously unattainable. OCR, BCR and ICR can be applied to documents, and used to populate the Alfresco Categories. It’s by far the fastest method for profiling batches of documents into Alfresco.

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