Document Scanning Services Benefit Health Care Providers, Patients and VARS—Check Out Health Management Technology Magazine

By Mike O’Leary

July’s issue of Health Management Technology Magazine features an interesting case study sharing how Ambir Technology value-added reseller, Colorado Hi-Tech Solutions, is providing document scanning services to help health care providers meet meaningful use requirements.

As the article points out, winners abound when value-added resellers provide document scanning services either on-site or at their place of business:
• Health care providers receive digitized patient, insurance and billing records to assist them in meeting meaningful use requirements without tying up administrative staff in the process, eliminating costs associated with box storage, and removing inefficiencies in managing paper-based records,
• Patients enjoy the benefits and efficiencies digitized records bring in streamlining care, access to information and records portability,
• VARS provide an essential service, enhancing client relationships and annuity stream opportunities.

Interested? Check out the article on page 20:

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