Creating digital business cards with BizCard 6


Ready to ditch the cards for digital copies?

Looking to scan your collection of business cards? It’s easy to digitize your Rolodex with Presto! BizCard 6. Instead of loose, disorganized cards, you’ll have tidy, indexed digital copies.

BizCard pulls key information from the business cards like Name, Title, Email Address, Phone Number and Street Address with an OCR engine and files the cards away alphabetically. Later, you can search for your contacts using any of these fields.

How to scan, edit and store digital business cards with BizCard 6 (to start, be sure your scanner is plugged in and ready to go):

1. With BizCard open, load the business card in your scanner, then click the Scan button in BizCard, shown below.

card 1 cropped

Click for larger image.

2. After it is scanned, the OCR engine will automatically begin to work. When finished, BizCard will automatically populate the information fields.

card 2 cropped

Click for larger image.

Notice how the information fields are created as links. This is especially handy. Click the street address, and BizCard will automatically open Google Maps with the address pinpointed. Click the email address, and BizCard creates a new email message in your default program.

BizCard will also automatically file the card alphabetically in the directory on the right side of the screen:

card 2 cropped 2

Click for larger image.

3. Remember: an OCR engine isn’t perfect. Slight changes in scan quality or different fonts may occasionally confuse it. If you want to add to or edit the card’s contact information, click the Edit tab, shown below.

card 3 cropped

Click for larger image.

4. If you want to capture the back of the card, first load it into the scanner upside-down, then click the Scan Back of Card button, shown below.

card 3 cropped 2

Click for larger image.

After scanning, the back of the card will automatically be appended to the front.

card 4 cropped

Click for larger image.

That’s it. You can create digital business cards as quickly as your scanner can handle them. If you’re using a flatbed scanner, you can even arrange several cards for capture at the same time.

Next post, we’ll be exploring another useful feature included with BizCard 6: Scanning directly to Outlook.

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