GDPR: Is Your Sales Team Compliant?

Since the EU mandated General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in 2018, the way businesses handle personal information relating to customers and sales leads has dramatically changed — and not just in Europe. Given the broad scope of the regulations, smart North American companies should be compliant as well. But what does that entail?

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Prioritizing Patients Over Paperwork: How Digitizing Your Files Leads to Better Patient Care

Can better patient care be achieved by spending less time managing paperwork? According to an online survey polling more than 2,000 adults in the United States, prioritizing patients over paperwork is essential for delivering high quality care.1

The survey conducted by Harris Poll set out to gain insight on perceived information mobility in healthcare and how efficiently providers move information throughout healthcare systems.

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How to Choose the Best Scanner for Your Dental Practice

With more than 76 percent of dentists adopting electronic health record (EHR) systems, digital documents are no longer a “nice to have” and increasingly a necessity for dental practices.* Transitioning your office to a digital workspace requires the use of reliable and durable scanning solutions. But with so many different scanners available on the market […]

Digital Doctors: New Trends in EMRs Will Make Digital Health Records More Efficient, Accessible

If you had to name one modern medical technology that changed the way every hospital and clinic operates, what would it be? Chances are the first things that popped into your mind was the development of electronic medical records (EMRs). Though EMRs have risen to prominence in the media quite recently, they have been used by some hospitals and government agencies for more than 30 years.

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Scan Business Cards into Outlook in Just 4 Steps

Are you getting the most out of the business cards you collect? Unless you can retrieve contacts at the click of a button the answer is no. Why miss out on the ability to improve outreach to your next sale?

With Ambir you can easily digitize contacts and import them directly into Outlook. In just four easy steps, we’ll teach you how to turn that pile of business cards into an address book full of workable prospects.

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What’s New at Ambir?

Wondering what’s the latest technological update that could help improve your daily routine? No, it’s not an app, or any one of the new gadgets that Google is working on. It’s the latest in business card scanning. While it may not be the newest smartphone model, AmbirScan Business Card will streamline your workflow and make life that much more simple.

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Four Great Gadgets You Didn’t Know You Needed (But You Do)

1. A Virtual Assistant

Every business owner needs an assistant, even if you’re not only the CEO, but also the sole employee. Priced to fit any budget and now packed with useful features that go beyond checking the weather and playing your favourite songs, today’s virtual assistants offer real value and utility. Apple’s newly-released HomePod works with your other Apple gadgets to set reminders and calendar appointments, read and send messages, and even answer calls that come in to your iPhone. For Android users and those who rely on Google’s suite of business services, Google Home is a seamless addition to your tech tools. For sheer utility, ease of use and breadth of options, the Amazon Echo is still the category leader. Alexa, the voice of the Echo, is ubiquitous in many homes and offices, and is now accessible through a suite of Echo-enabled devices from a variety of manufacturers.

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A new reality: 5 ways VR is shaping the future of healthcare

Once the domain of video gamers, virtual reality is now a vital technology changing the face of many businesses and industries. Perhaps nowhere are the changes and revolutionary and the possibilities offered by VR as exciting as in the field of health. Check out these 5 ways virtual reality is already revolutionizing healthcare as we know it.

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7 Morning Time Saving Tips For A More Productive Day

morning productivity tips business

There’s never enough time in the day – or at least it often feels that way. The secret to having a productive work day lies in making the most of your mornings. We’ve got 7 morning time-saving tips that will get your work day off to a great start. Read more

Document Scanning Services Benefit Health Care Providers, Patients and VARS—Check Out Health Management Technology Magazine

By Mike O’Leary

July’s issue of Health Management Technology Magazine features an interesting case study sharing how Ambir Technology value-added reseller, Colorado Hi-Tech Solutions, is providing document scanning services to help health care providers meet meaningful use requirements.
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