patient experience

The Future of Telemedicine and How You Can Make the Most of It

While telemedicine first began with remote healthcare services through landline phones, it has since expanded to the online portals for remote consultation that it is known for today. Telemedicine has revolutionized remote care, allowing for increased convenience, accessibility, servicing a larger number of patients, remote patient monitoring and more. As telemedicine grows, it’s applications and widespread usage grow as well.

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Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Business Card Collection?

What’s the first thing you do when exchanging business cards? Immediately store the card in your wallet only to have it make its way to a pile of old business cards in your desk? We always have the best of intentions when collecting the business cards of potential customers, but how many times are you sure you put it in an easy to relocate spot only to find it missing when you check? Lost or damaged business cards can be a major business loss. Almost equivalent to directly losing a potential customer, business cards are the heart and soul of your initial connections to some of your best clients.

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Using Electronic Signature Pads to Streamline Patient Check-In

Electronic signature pads are becoming increasingly vital in the world of healthcare.  They quickly digitize signatures, streamlining patient documentation processes, and saving you time, money and effort in the process. With many benefits for the patient check-in process, electronic signature pads are a must have in this increasingly digital leaning environment.

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Make a Difference in 2020 with Green Technology

In honor of Earth Day, we have compiled a short list of technological solutions that help you work to be more mindful of the environment and make the world a little greener. This list can help you become more conscious of your habits and find subtle ways to improve and become more sustainable. The small steps you take to better our planet add up and can make a difference. Do your part to make the world a cleaner place.

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How Ambir Best Addresses Your Scanning Needs

How does Ambir stand out from other companies in the scanning industry? With over 20 years of experience in a variety of industries including healthcare, financial services, transportation and more, we have insight into what works best for a variety of needs.

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How to Prepare for Screening and Testing at a Triage Facility

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought about the greatest healthcare challenge of our generation. It’s going to take all our resources as a nation to combat this outbreak and provide the care and treatment needed to help our people through this. As testing becomes more available and demand increases, triage testing facilities and tents are crucial to safely process and test patients. Operating in these environments can be challenging as they lack the infrastructure associated with traditional hospital and medical office patient check in.

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Easily Import Business Cards Directly into Outlook

You’ve gotten the chance to speak with a strong potential customer, key individual for networking or someone you want to reconnect with. You’ve exchanged business cards so you can connect later, and you know you’ll want to follow up with them. But what happens when you misplace the card or worse, end up losing it? You need to be able to add that person to your contacts right away so you can be sure to further your connection or close that deal.

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How to Make the Most Out of Tele-Commuting

With many organizations making the switch to tele-commuting and working from home, you want to make sure you’re enabling yourself to be as productive as possible. Working from home has a variety of pros and cons, and not having the right materials can set you up to start off on the wrong foot. By bringing in some of these items, you’ll set yourself up for success in your changing work environment.

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Dental EHR Adoption and How it Can Improve Practice Efficiency

In terms of Electronic Health Records (EHR) adoption, dental providers consistently lag behind other healthcare providers by almost 20 percent. In part, this is due to lack of allocation of meaningful use dollars preventing the creation of a singular driving force for conversion, dental provider preference for open-ended communication (while EHRs specialize in close-ended questioning used to improve efficiency) and the disconnect between dental health and clinical and medical health (as dental care overall is “taught, practiced, billed, and managed separately from the rest of the medical realm.”). However, the number of dental practices adopting EHRs is expanding as dentists increasingly pursue EHRs “to improve practice efficiency.” In fact, dental EHR adoption has consistently increased over time with 52% adoption in 2017.

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The Role of Blockchain in Healthcare Revenue Cycles

When you hear the term “blockchain”, the first thing that comes to mind might be the cryptocurrency, bitcoin. While it is certainly a buzzworthy topic, bitcoin isn’t the only use for this emerging technology. From transportation to banking and even healthcare, many industries are discovering the benefits of blockchain technology.

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