3 of the Best Ways to Scan Your Photo Collection

Preserve your photo albums by creating a digital backup. Look back on family weddings, birthdays and baby pictures without fear of them getting lost or destroyed by saving them digitally. Your digital copies will not only be safe and secure, you’ll be able to easily share with family and friends.

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The Top 3 Ways to Digitize Documents to Your Mac

Scan documents, photos and all other media into your Mac device with ease. The process of digitizing your files does not need to be difficult or time consuming. With the right tools, you can sync your information to multiple locations for enhanced accessibility. Check out a few of our favorite options that are Mac compatible and user friendly for all types of scanning needs.

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5 Top Tech Tools for Today’s Teachers

Today, more than ever, teachers rely on technology and educators are tasked with reaching and teaching students in new ways. Incorporating technology can make learning more fun and engaging for student, while saving time and making workflows more efficient for teachers. Whether they are teaching in person or virtually, here are the top five tech tools teachers need to succeed in the 21st century classroom.

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Why Document Scanning is Important in Healthcare

In healthcare, patients are the number one priority. But there are many tasks performed behind the scenes that are crucial to keeping hospitals and small practices running smoothly on a daily basis. Document scanning is essential to the overall productivity and organization in healthcare, whether you run a large chain of facilities or own a private practice.

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How to Avoid Burnout While Working from Home

With a major shift to work from home this year, many have had to build a new routine to ensure productivity in their adjusted environments. As months have passed and working remotely has remained prevalent, we have all continued to adjust to a new normal. Feeling trapped at home can be overwhelming and mixing home life with work can make it feel hard to unwind.

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Tips for a Successful Virtual Trade Show Experience

With this year’s sudden switch to virtual, sometimes it may feel like you aren’t getting the same amount out of your trade show experience as you would in person. Talking across a computer screen can feel less personal, more formalized and may not lead to the depth and quantity of conversations that you would like.

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Healthcare disruptors: 4 key trends shaping the industry and how they can help you grow your practice

Every year, healthcare experts and analysts release their predictions about what the biggest trends and disruptors in the industry will be over the next year. But nobody could have predicted the unprecedented disruptions that 2020 has brought to every facet of our lives, and the healthcare industry in particular. These four factors are more important than ever, and may dramatically change how you manage your organizations and deliver care to your patients for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.

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Enhance your data management

How to Enhance Your Data Management and Document Capture Process

As a decision maker for your business, it is crucial to identify efficient and cost-effective solutions to increase productivity. Enhancing your data management and document capture process is a good place to start. Entering high volumes of paperwork and crucial information into your system can be a timely and inconvenient task that takes away from other responsibilities. With an optimized workflow, you can get back to focusing on what matters most to your company.

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Avoid Cyber Security Risks in Healthcare with These 3 Steps

In healthcare, it is critical to keep patient information secure and protected. Breaches in patient information and confidentiality are a violation of HIPAA compliance, destroy the trust your patient has in your practice and can be a costly mistake that takes time to correct. According to HealthTech, “Healthcare cybercrime is on the rise. The total number of breached records rose from 13,947,909 two years ago to 41,335,889 in 2019, with the recent figure representing 12 percent of the U.S. population.” While even the most diligent systems can be compromised, there are steps to take to decrease that risk. Protect your practice and your patient’s privacy with three essential ways to avoid cyber security risks.

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Why Companies Rely on Fax for Sharing Information in 2020

With technology changing and adapting so rapidly, one might assume that faxing is a practice of the past. People value their time and space now more than ever, which is why most new technological upgrades are focusing on speed and sleek designs. While many have stepped away from the typical fax machine model, a large number of businesses still send faxes every single day. This is possible through versatile tools like a scanner. With double the functionality and convenience, the right scanner is able to handle initial data capture as well as the sharing of information. You get all the benefits of fax without the actual clunky, space-consuming machine.

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