5 Examples of Successful Health Care Companies on Instagram

The healthcare industry has gone digital and it’s not going back. So it makes sense that healthcare marketing has gone digital as well, with hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and individual healthcare providers turning to social media to boost their brands. According to a Pew Research study, 80% of social media users are looking for health information, and nearly half are searching for information about a specific doctor or health professional.

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#Healthtech house call: top 10 digital-savvy doctors to follow on Twitter

For a front-line, first-person view of the latest trends and issues in the health tech field, there is no better source than the doctors who are researching, developing, testing and working with new technologies every day. If you want to know what’s happening at the intersection of medicine, technology, and social media, we’ve got 10 top digital-savvy to follow on Twitter who will keep you in the know.
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5 Exemplary Examples of Healthcare Social Media Marketing Success

The most effective marketing programs do more than educate; they resonate with the public, eliciting an emotional response that isn’t easily forgotten. With deeply personal subjects often of life or death significance, healthcare marketing campaigns are often particularly powerful. Hospital groups, pharmaceutical companies and charitable causes are increasingly pushing the boundaries to create creative, compelling campaigns which create a lasting impression. Using the right social media channels to deliver the message directly to their target audience is what makes the best campaigns so successful.

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Top 10 #DigitalHealth Experts to Follow on Twitter

In the fast-paced world of digital health, changes happen daily. When your business depends on being in the know, what’s the best way to stay on top of the industry’s latest technologies and newest trends? Start by following these 10 digital health influencers on Twitter.
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5 Social Media Tools To Help Listen To Your Customers – And Your Competitors

Social listening is more than a trendy buzzword; it’s an essential part of your business’ digital strategy.

Listening to your target audiences online helps you monitor trends, identify potential influencers, and track consumer sentiment to grow your community and develop more relevant, engaging content.
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Small Business, Little Time – Tips to Get the Most from Social Media

small business social media tips

As a small business owner, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by social media. Your time and attention are already pulled in multiple directions – is it really worth promoting your business on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and more? Yes, if you’re doing it right. Follow these 5 tips to ensure your business gets maximum value from your online presence, with maximum efficiency.
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How to Get Organized in Six Seconds — Connect with Ambir and finally get organized.

The ImageScan Pro 820i is a super-quick, portable scanning machine. We thought we’d show what it can do in just six seconds. Imagine what its 50-page capacity and snappy 20-page-per-minute scan speed can do for your productivity over time.

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