Helpful How-To Videos: Top Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Small Business

The small business owner needs to be an expert in everything, from marketing and inventory management, to HR and accounting. Luckily for you, there are a slew of handy “how-to” videos available online that can help you enhance your skills and keep your business running at peak performance.

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5 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know + Top Takeaways to Grow Your Small Business

The marketplace is constantly changing. Are you adapting your marketing strategy as well? While we don’t advocate ditching tried and true tactics to follow fads, it is important to be aware of new marketing technologies and trends that can give your small business a real boost.

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How Accounting Software Can Help Your Small Business

What’s the hardest part of running a small business? Getting paid. While most entrepreneurs are passionate about their product or service, they don’t always show the same level of excitement for accounting. Thankfully there are a host of tools available to make the process easy, if not enjoyable, and today’s small business software does more than just generate invoices. Most offer monthly subscriptions at a variety of price points, depending on your business size and needs. Online bookkeeping platforms offer the flexibility and convenience of access from anywhere, anytime, and the security of cloud-based backup.

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Choosing The Best Scanner For Your Business – 4 Key Factors To Consider

Whether your business is a large corporation, or a one-person shop based out of your home, there is one tech tool your company can’t live without – a scanner. A good quality scanner helps you operate more efficiently, saves money, reduces paper waste and helps you create secure digital copies of all your important documents. But with all the options on the market, how do you decide which scanner is best for your business? The decision comes down to four key factors: size, speed, functionality, and interoperability.

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If You Resolved to Be More Productive in 2019, These 5 Tools Will Help You Succeed

Did you resolve to be more productive this year? New year’s resolutions can be a great motivator at the start of the year but let’s face it; few people manage to successfully follow them through. Your company and your customers count on you to operate at peak productivity all year round. Luckily, there are a number of great apps and programs designed to help you do just that.

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5 Tech Tools Your Medical Practice Should Be Using

From the smallest private practice to the largest hospital groups, today’s healthcare providers all struggle with time management. Juggling patient care, record-keeping, office administration and human resources can seem like a Herculean task when there aren’t enough hours in the day. Thank goodness for advances in office technology and digital health tools that help save […]

Reduce your workload and boost productivity: 3 technologies worth investing in for 2018

If your New Year’s resolution is to work smarter, not harder in 2018 then you’re in luck. Never has there been a wider selection of technologies, apps and programs to choose from that can reduce workload and increase productivity for you and your staff. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, technologies focused on these three key areas can increase efficiency and boost your bottom line.

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Go Paperless in 2017

paperless office 2017

New Year’s resolutions are always a hot topic at the beginning of the year. Magazines and websites are full of helpful tips for eating better, losing weight, getting in shape and living well. But what about your work life?
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Maximize Efficiency On the Go: Top 5 Mobile Office Must-Haves

Whether you work from home or in a mobile office that needs to travel everywhere you do, efficiency is the key to success. Limited space, time and resources can all be optimized for maximum results, thanks to a few handy programs, cool gadgets and well-chosen pieces of equipment. What are the must-have tools for the professional on the go? Read more

Top 10 Blogs to Follow for Accounting & Financial Tips for Your Small Biz

10 accounting blogs to follow for small business

Getting the best financial tips for your small business is very important. You don’t want to make a mistake with money and most business owners are not accounting experts. With the following ten financial and accounting blogs for small businesses, you will have all the tips you need this year.
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