5 Ways to Get WorkGroup Scanners Working for You

WorkGroup Scanners Can Help Reduce Work For You

In the 21st century, there is no excuse to have offices that are needlessly cluttered with papers, but many businesses are afraid to stray from their paper-based safe harbor. To them, making the transition to a paperless office sounds appealing, but they also believe the transition would be a difficult one.

Thankfully, with WorkGroup scanners, transitioning to a paperless office is actually a seamless, intuitive process that is more efficient, secure and productive, all while reducing overhead and increasing business profitability.
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Scan to Evernote from AmbirScan ADF

Evernote is a great tool to connect everything you need – from work documents to website clippings to… well, basically anything. So we’ve made it simple to use your Ambir scanner to send piles of paper documents to your Evernote account. With AmbirScan ADF, it’s a snap. Here’s how:

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