3 Simple Ways to Improve the Healthcare Patient Experience

Today’s patients are savvy consumers who know they have numerous options when it comes to choosing a hospital, clinic, or doctor. In a competitive healthcare marketplace fueled by online reviews, social media, and word of mouth, patient experience matters more than ever.

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Taking steps towards a paperless medical practice – it’s easier than you think

For years we’ve been hearing that the paperless office is just around the corner. The paperless dream includes lower costs, less waste and a greener environmental footprint, but for many medical practices, the reality is very different. The reality includes a mountain of paper and thick paper files, filled with intake forms, referrals, test requisitions, clinical notes and more.

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Reduce your workload and boost productivity: 3 technologies worth investing in for 2018

If your New Year’s resolution is to work smarter, not harder in 2018 then you’re in luck. Never has there been a wider selection of technologies, apps and programs to choose from that can reduce workload and increase productivity for you and your staff. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, technologies focused on these three key areas can increase efficiency and boost your bottom line.

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nform paperless forms

10 Businesses that can benefit from e-signatures and nForm

What’s the biggest improvement you want your business to achieve this year? Reduced costs? Increased efficiency? Improved client experience? Making one simple change can help you realize each of those goals, and more.

Ambir nForm transforms the way you collect and capture information, using your existing forms or digital applications and eliminating the need to re-format, scan or print. Send them directly and securely to your network or the cloud, saving time and reducing costs. nForm also doubles as a digital signature pad, allowing you and your clients to sign, initial, and make notes on any form or document.

What type of business is nForm best for? Your business!
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3 Digital Health Trends Coming Soon To A Doctor’s Office Near You


Digital healthcare is revolutionizing how we seek and receive medical treatment in ways we couldn’t have imagined just a generation ago. From new diagnostic and surgical techniques to the way patient information is stored and shared, digital health technologies are transforming every aspect of the healthcare field.
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Use of EHRs in Healthcare Still Small, but Benefits are Big

Despite the benefits of electronic healthcare records (EHRs), many facilities aren’t incorporating them into their establishment’s procedures. This is leading to medical facilities being much less efficient than they could be. The popularity of electronic healthcare records isn’t as popular as one may expect. Less than one-quarter of medical establishments utilize this technology. It assumed that the cost of converting records to electronic deters, and sometimes prevents, facilities from converting. However, once switched to electronic record keeping, it saves facilities money and has numerous other benefits. Read more

Why Your Biz Can Benefit Big Time by Using Electronic Signatures

Life is quickly becoming technology centric. Ten years ago, nobody would have imagined being able to change their temperature settings in their home from an app, but today, it and so many other advances make life more convenient.

For instance, businesses now are able to use e-signature solutions to sign vital documents. Read more

How to Make Patient Registration Paperless with Electronic Forms

electronic consent forms

An average patient visit will generate 13 pieces of paper (source: Institute of Medicine).

As well, of the organizations that have Electronic Health Records or are implementing them, nearly 80% still use paper records in their processing workflows (Source: InformationWeek).

In other words, there’s still a lot of paper waste in the healthcare industry. Read more