7 Morning Time Saving Tips For A More Productive Day

morning productivity tips business

There’s never enough time in the day – or at least it often feels that way. The secret to having a productive work day lies in making the most of your mornings. We’ve got 7 morning time-saving tips that will get your work day off to a great start.

1.     Plan ahead

Take a few minutes the night before to organize everything you need for the morning. Pack any files, samples, presentations etc. you need to rock your meetings and prepare a healthy, portable lunch. Even setting out your clothing the night before can save time and reduce stress in the morning.

2.     Eat breakfast

It may seem obvious, yet many people skip the most important meal of the day. Fuelling up now and eating nutritious food throughout the day will keep energized, stop you from being distracted by hunger and prevent the 3 pm slump.

3.     Make the most of your commute

Commuting time can be productive time, especially if you use public transit. Check emails and return messages so that when you arrive at the office you’re ready to get right to work. If you drive to work, take advantage of hands-free apps that read messages to you and allow you to dictate replies, all without taking your eyes off the road.

4.     Make your list and check it twice

Make a to-do list in order of importance, with the most difficult or urgent tasks listed first. Bonus points if you update the list at the end of the day, checking off tasks completed and transferring any unfinished projects to the next morning’s agenda.

5.     Avoid early morning meetings

Block the first two hours in your calendar out and reserve them just for you. Use this time to tackle your most challenging task. Not only will the job seem easier while your mind is at its most fresh, the rest of the day will be more productive once the hardest task is out of the way.

6.     Put technology to work for you

Use email filtering tools to help you focus on the most important messages and avoid being distracted by spam and social media alerts. Automate social media posts using tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer and let technology do the work for you.  Learn to manage your time effectively with the help of apps like RescueTime.

7.     Skip the coffee run – sometimes

Going out to grab a coffee is a welcome break but can easily turn into a major time suck. Make a schedule with your co-workers and take turns picking up everyone’s favourite caffeine fix.

When your morning gets off to a productive start, the rest of the day will (hopefully) follow suit!





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