5 Digital Marketing Strategies Every Small Business Should Be Using

In today’s small business environment, time and budgets are tight. Getting maximum bang for minimum bucks is at the top of every entrepreneur’s “must-do” list, so it’s important to focus your marketing resources where they count most – the digital sphere.

Digital marketing campaigns offer several tangible benefits over traditional efforts; a direct connection with consumers; the opportunity to personalize and micro-target specific groups; data and results that are available immediately and trackable in real time; and the ability to make adjustments mid-campaign.

Far more complex than just posting updates to a handful of social media accounts, however, the successful management of digital marketing requires a systematic approach and should adhere to these simple rules:

  • Be relevant. Focus on what your customer wants to learn, not on what you want to tell them.
  • Be compelling. Whether through humour, crisp copy or stunning visuals, ensure your campaigns are distinctive and memorable.
  • Be mobile-friendly. Deliver a digital experience that works anywhere, any time, on any device.
  • Be consistent. From pop up ads to blogs and social posts, never stray from your brand identity and voice.

Let’s take a quick look at the five digital marketing strategies every small business should be using:

1. Social media marketing

With almost 80% of American consumers using social media in 2019, it’s no wonder that social networks have become the #1 digital marketing channel for businesses. But which channels are right for you? Research well and focus efforts where your customers spend the bulk of their time.

2. Search engine optimization

It can easily get overlooked, but search engine optimization (SEO) is still a powerful digital tool to increase your site traffic and help ensure customers find you first. Monitor search engine rankings and results often; update keywords and content on a regular basis, and take advantage of free online listings and services such as Google My Business that can help you connect with customers.

3. Email marketing

Contrary to popular belief, direct email marketing to customers is far from dead. But make sure you’re doing it right with a mobile-friendly interface, a clean single-column design that’s easy to read even on a small screen, a clear call to action, and friendly links to highlighted products or services that have been triple-checked to ensure they work.

4. Content marketing

Content marketing not only provides an opportunity to share your brand story and connect with customers on a more personal level, it’s also an effective SEO strategy that nets results. Tailor your content strategy to meet your customers’ specific needs through creative videos, informative blogs, and shareable tips which add value to your core products and services.

5. Online ratings and reviews

Never under-estimate the power of online ratings and review sites as a digital marketing tool. Research shows that 91% of consumers age 18-34 trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation, so ignore this channel at your peril. Monitor and manage your listings the same way you do with search-engine results; check often to ensure your address, website, contact information and hours of operation are correct and up to date. Add photos, promotions and offers whenever possible. Respond to negative reviews in a timely, professional and polite fashion.

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