Why Companies Rely on Fax for Sharing Information in 2020

With technology changing and adapting so rapidly, one might assume that faxing is a practice of the past. People value their time and space now more than ever, which is why most new technological upgrades are focusing on speed and sleek designs. While many have stepped away from the typical fax machine model, a large number of businesses still send faxes every single day. This is possible through versatile tools like a scanner. With double the functionality and convenience, the right scanner is able to handle initial data capture as well as the sharing of information. You get all the benefits of fax without the actual clunky, space-consuming machine.

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How Virtualization Strategies Impact Infrastructure and Save Money

If your business could save money, enhance security and fuel growth by implementing one simple strategy would you do it? If you answered yes, then you need to consider virtualization.

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