The Benefits of Online Therapy and How to Get Started

With technology continually evolving and a global pandemic that has drastically altered our current way of life, 2020 has seen a great deal of change in a short time span. This is especially true in the healthcare landscape. While many sources are reporting on the ways coronavirus is challenging our hospitals and healthcare system at large, mental health services have faced similar obstacles.

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Digital Tools for Going Green: Tips Towards a More Sustainable Medical Practice

With the changes wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitals, clinics, and medical practices have adapted their processes and rapidly adopted digital technologies. While the short-term goal was likely to maximize care while minimizing risk to patients, staff and healthcare providers, there is a clear long-term benefit to this digital transformation: sustainability. Reducing your impact on the environment may not be the primary concern of your practice in the midst of a global healthcare crisis, but operating in a sustainable manner should always be among your operating goals – now more than ever.

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Top Tips and Tools for Successful Distance Learning

With the uncertainty of whether class will resume in-person in the near future, many school districts are continuing to face the possibility of teaching remotely or doing a combination of in-person and online teaching. This list provides a few ways to make this unprecedented time a little less stressful for administrators, teachers and families alike.

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Enhance Your Workspace’s Capabilities with a Mac Scanner

As software platforms adapt over time, your workflow has become increasingly hardware agnostic. You aren’t reliant upon one specific solution or hardware system, giving you the freedom to choose what works best for your organization. As you figure out what that is, you can count on Ambir to help you find a scanning solution that fits your changing needs.

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