What’s New at Ambir?

Wondering what’s the latest technological update that could help improve your daily routine? No, it’s not an app, or any one of the new gadgets that Google is working on. It’s the latest in business card scanning. While it may not be the newest smartphone model, AmbirScan Business Card will streamline your workflow and make life that much more simple.

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5 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know + Top Takeaways to Grow Your Small Business

The marketplace is constantly changing. Are you adapting your marketing strategy as well? While we don’t advocate ditching tried and true tactics to follow fads, it is important to be aware of new marketing technologies and trends that can give your small business a real boost.

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How Accounting Software Can Help Your Small Business

What’s the hardest part of running a small business? Getting paid. While most entrepreneurs are passionate about their product or service, they don’t always show the same level of excitement for accounting. Thankfully there are a host of tools available to make the process easy, if not enjoyable, and today’s small business software does more than just generate invoices. Most offer monthly subscriptions at a variety of price points, depending on your business size and needs. Online bookkeeping platforms offer the flexibility and convenience of access from anywhere, anytime, and the security of cloud-based backup.

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