Use of EHRs in Healthcare Still Small, but Benefits are Big

Despite the benefits of electronic healthcare records (EHRs), many facilities aren’t incorporating them into their establishment’s procedures. This is leading to medical facilities being much less efficient than they could be. The popularity of electronic healthcare records isn’t as popular as one may expect. Less than one-quarter of medical establishments utilize this technology. It assumed that the cost of converting records to electronic deters, and sometimes prevents, facilities from converting. However, once switched to electronic record keeping, it saves facilities money and has numerous other benefits. Read more

Why Your Biz Can Benefit Big Time by Using Electronic Signatures

Life is quickly becoming technology centric. Ten years ago, nobody would have imagined being able to change their temperature settings in their home from an app, but today, it and so many other advances make life more convenient.

For instance, businesses now are able to use e-signature solutions to sign vital documents. Read more